Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rc.No.1570 ( Revised Guidelines for Rationalization of Teachers

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Department of School Education has Revised the Rationalization Guideline Through Rc.No: 1570,dt.02.05.2011. To download the Proceeding 
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above, and they are informed that the following guidelines are issued to complete the rationalization.
1. The Project Officer, RVM (SSA) shall be a member in the District Level Committee,
2. The date of reference for enrolment and sanctioned posts of each school is 30th September, 2010 i.e. DISE data already submitted to SSA/Department be followed
3. In addition to the pattern in Annexure-III in respect of English Medium sections started in SUCCESS Schools, the following additional School Assistant posts are to be counted under eligible posts.
i. School Assistant (Maths)
ii. School Assistant (English)
iii. School Assistant (Social Studies)
iv. School Assistant (Bio. Science)
4. Annexure III is applicable only for single medium school.
In respect of parallel medium schools like Telugu and Urdu, Telugu & Hindi etc. the staff pattern should be treated separately for each medium, except for common posts viz., Headmaster, P.E.T., Craft in a school.
5. In a district where the No. of School Assistants (1st language) and School Assistants (2nd language) are less than required as per staff pattern, language pandit Gr.II can be counted against School Assistants (Languages) concerned in the staff pattern to the extent of short fall of those posts in High Schools in Annexure-III.
6. The SGTs working in High Schools/Upper Primary Schools shall not be shifted unless School Assistants are provided to that school as per staff pattern.
7. If already School Assistant (Bio.Science / Phy. Science) are working in
Upper Primary Schools, they shall not be shifted and they shall be
retained in place of School Assistant (Maths)
8. If the enrolment in VI to X Class is more than 1240, the sequence in
Annexure-III shall be followed for staff pattern.
All the District Educational Officers are requested to complete