RESULTS Available here now! Direct link check 1st,2nd,3rd Language, graded & subject, all set for Results on 23rd May 4:30 pm by the Minister. Now the Grades with Points for each and every Subject as well as Second Language will have different Grades and Points.Board of Secondary Education is in preparation for March Results. Without any confusion not only in Students& Parents but also in Officials about Grades with Points like CBSE system.
AP SSC Grades and Points:
1st,2nd Lang, 2nd Lang. Grade Gr.Point
Non-Lang. Marks
92-100 90-100 A-1 10
83-91 80-89 A-2 9
75-82 70-79 B-1 8
67-74 60-69 B-2 7
59-66 50-59 C-1 6
51-58 40-49 C-2 5
43-50 30-39 D-1 4
35-42 20-29 D-2 3
34below 19below E -
CBSE gives Overall Points: Add the Subjects wise Grades Points, then Dived by No. of Subjects.
Example: Kumar gets 3Subjects with 30 Grade Points + 3Subjects with 27 Grade Points=57 the Total Grades Points Divide by 6(subjects)= 9.5 is Kumar's Overall Points.
Cumulative Grade Point Average is called CGPA system.
This is a good system in Grades the 550 Mark Student is equal to 600 Mark Student, so to avoid this different the CGPA is implementing. With this system the 600 Student will benefit with this, why?
The 550 mark students if get A-2 in any 1 Subject, here he did not equals with 600 mark student, here the Marks will calculate with each and every subject Grade Points.