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Code of Professional Ethics for School Teachers
It is universally felt that like all other professions, the teaching profession should
also have its Code of Professional Ethics which is a pre-requisite to ensure its dignity
and integrity. It is also significant that the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 entails on teachers some onerous professional responsibilities to
be internalized by them in the performance of their duties. Accordingly, it is considered
necessary that the Code of Professional Ethics be evolved and adopted by the teaching
For the purpose of this Code, the term “teacher” covers all school teachers,
whether in government or private schools, on full time or part time basis, at the
elementary and secondary levels and the teachers holding administrative and
supervisory positions
The Code of Professional Ethics for teachers provides a framework of principles
to guide them in discharging their obligations towards students, parents, colleagues and
community. Increased awareness of the ethical principles governing the teaching
profession is essential to ensure ‘professionalism’ among teachers.
— Recognizing that every child has a fundamental right to education of good
— Recognizing that education should be directed to the all round development of
the human personality;
— Recognizing the need for developing faith in the guiding principles of our polity,
viz., democracy, social justice and secularism;
— Recognizing the need to promote through education the concept of composite
culture of India and a sense of national identity;
— Recognizing that teachers, being an integral part of the social milieu, share the
needs and aspirations of the people;
— Recognizing the need to enhance self-esteem of teachers;
— Recognizing the need to organize teaching as a profession for which expert
knowledge, specialized skills and dedication are pre-requisites;
— Recognizing that the community respect and support for the teachers are
dependent on the teachers’ professionalism, and
— Recognizing the need for self-direction and self-discipline among members of the
teaching community;
the present Code of Professional Ethics for school teachers has been
evolved to provide direction and guidance to the teachers in enhancing the
dignity of their professional work.
1. Obligations towards Students
1.1 Treats all students with love and affection.
1.2 Respects the value of being just and impartial to all students irrespective
of their caste, creed, religion, sex, economic status, language and place of
1.3 Facilitates students’ physical, social, intellectual, emotional, moral and
spiritual development.
1.4 Respects basic human dignity of the child in all aspects of school life.
1.5 Makes planned and systematic efforts to facilitate the child to actualize
his/her potential and talent.
1.6 Transacts the curriculum in conformity with the values enshrined in the
1.7 Adapts his/her teaching to the individual needs of students.
1.8 Maintains the confidentiality of the information concerning students and
dispenses such information only to those who are legitimately entitled to it.
1.9 Refrains from subjecting any child to fear, trauma, anxiety, physical
punishment and mental and emotional harassment.
1.10 Refrains from any act involving sexual abuse of the child.
2. Obligations towards Parents, Community and Society
2.1 Establishes cordial relations with parents/guardians.
2.2 Desists from doing any thing which is derogatory to the respect of the child
or his/her parents/guardians.
2.3 Strives to develop respect for the composite culture of India among
2.4 Refrains from taking part in such activities as may spread feeling of hatred
or enmity among different communities, religious or linguistic groups.
3. Obligation towards the Profession and Colleagues
3.1 Strives for his/her continuous professional development.
3.2 Creates a culture that encourages purposeful collaboration and
dialogue among colleagues and stakeholders.
3.3 Treats other members of the profession with respect and dignity.
3.4 Refrains from engaging himself/ herself in private tuition or private
teaching activity.
3.5 Refrains from accepting any gift, or favour that might impair or
appear to influence professional decisions or actions.
3.6 Refrains from making unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues or
higher authorities.
3.7 Avoids making derogatory statements about colleagues, especially in the
presence of pupils, other teachers, officials or parents.
3.8 Respects the professional standing and opinions of his/her colleagues.
3.9 . Maintains confidentiality of information concerning colleagues and
dispenses such information only when authorized to do so.
Note: The Code can be further enriched by Teacher organizations at different levels by
incorporating additional articles related to ethical principles, if required.
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