School Complex was formed as per proceeding 167/L2-1/2003 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh Dt.11.11.2003
In a School complex each secondary school is integrally related to 10 to 15 primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools i.e., Government, Mandal Praja Parishad, Zilla Praja Parishad, Municipal Schools, that exists in its neighbourhood so that they form one complex of educational facilities. For this purpose the secondary school must be full fledged with Headmasters post.
The Headmaster of all primary and upper primary school shall become the members of the complex. The school complex helps in sharing of staff and material by the schools situated in a locality, and it involves co-operative effort. If there is no high school in the comp-plex area with sanctioned post of headmaster, upgraded high schools may be considered. Where no secondary schools are available, a number of primary schools closely located can be clubbed to an Upper Primary School which will act as "lead"school.
It is built around a secondary school.
It is taken as a unit of educational reform or development.
It is used as a unit for introducing better methods of Instructions and evaluation and for regulating transition of children from one class to the other and from one school ato the other.
It will perform certain tasks given by the department and deal with the individual schools in its fold.
The Headmaster of secondary school will plan the work and gives guidance to all the schools in the area of the school complex.
Each school complex shall have a committee under the chairmanship of the Headmaster of the Nucleus schools and the heads of the Primary and Upper Primary School as its members.
It will endeavor to improve standards through co-operative efforts.
The school complex performs a facilitator role for improving the overall quality of the education by way of providing support in terms of men and material.
The school complex shall monitor the performance of individual schools and categorise the schools and teachers based on performance.
The school complex shall monitor the enrollment, attendance and transition rate in all the schools of its purview and sets performance tasks for each school and monitor the impact.
To act as resource center in terms of library books, internet facilities, TLM and other interactives material, maps, globes, charts etc., and audio visual equipment such as TV, VCR, Video Cassettes, Audo Cassettes, Radio Cassette Players, laboratory equipment which can be shared and may be used on loan basis by individual schools.
It aims at breaking the isolation that is existing between one school and the other.
It enables common and comprehensive planning of development i.e. both qualitative and quantitative.
It motivates teachers to work together and share their responsibilities in improving education and achieving UEE in its true spirit.
It helps to improve ultimately educational standards by removing the inadequacies noticed in the schools by way of participatory approach in the complex.
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