GUIDELINES FOR FILLING THE SCHOLARSHIP (RENEWAL) APPLICATION 2011-2012 Please read the Instructions carefully before filling the application (THE STUDENT WHO HAVE APPLIED UNDER GOI SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME NEED NOT TO APPLY AGAIN UNDER STATE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME) Ø Upload the Annual income declaration Form(Income Affidavit in Rs.10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly signed by renewal student and parent. NOTARY not required) of Parent/Guardian (Enclose photo copy). Ø Upload your Allotment Letter and Previous year Marks Memo (Enclose Photo copy of Allotment Letter and Previous year marks memo) Ø If you have been allotted UIDAI (Aadhaar) number, fill the 12 digits number in the Online application form (Enclose a photo copy of Aadhaar Card). Ø If you have been enrolled for UIDAI (Aadhaar) but Aadhaar card not alloted till now, then fill the ENROLEMENT ID (EID) number in the Online application form(Enclose a photo copy of EID slip). Ø Fill your Ration Card Number and your serial No. among the family members enrolled in the Ration Card accurately without any mistake.(enclose photo copy of ration card) Ø Please provide your own email address in the Online application form with out fail. Ø Please also provide your or your Father's/Guardian's correct Mobile Number in the Online application form to send SMS on status of your Scholarship application. Ø Fill or Edit your correct residential address along with Door No.,Street, Ward, Land Mark, Mandal, District and Pin Code. Ø Fill or Edit your PERSONAL Bank Account Number, IFSC Code and Branch details for online transfer (Enclose Photo copy of first page of Pass Book). Most Important Note: - If any student applies more than once by giving false SSC Registration Number, Month & year of passing their application shall be rejected and the student shall be debarred from this scheme.
- All the minority students irrespective of cast shall apply online only with minority welfare department's scholarship scheme, they shall not apply with epass(social welfare department). If any student applies both in minority welfare department as well as epass of social welfare department his applications in both the departments shall be rejected and no appeal will be entertained.
- The entitlement of scholarship/ Reimbursement of Tuition Fee is subjected to the correctness of data provided by the student after due verification by the Verification Officer/District Officer etc... as per rules and regulations.
- Mere Online registration of application without submission of hard copies with necessary enclosures with in stipulated date does not confer any right to the student for sanction.
- The Principal of the College should collect all applications from the student applied, prepare a booklet and submit to Executive Director of concerned district.
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