Paper - II Max Marks : 50 Time : 2 1/2 Hours.
This paper - II consists the following Topics/Chapters
Number in the text book & Chapter / Topic
7. Geometry
8. Analytic Geometry
9. Trigonometry
10. Statistics
11. Matrices
12. Computing
There are two (2) parts : Part - "A" and part -"B"
Part - A 35 Marks Time : 2 Hours.
This part "A" consists for sections i.e., section I to IV
Section - I 5x2=10Marks
( Short Answer Type )
Answer any five questions choosing at-least two (2) from each of the following groups i.e., Group "A" and Group "B".
Group " A"
Under this group "A four (4) question ( i.e., questions 1 to 4 are given covering following Topics/ Chapters.
7. Geometry. 8.Analytic Geometry and 10 Statistics
( minimum of one question from each Chapter )
Group "B"
The four (4) questions ( i.e., questions 5 to 8 ) of this group cover the following chapters.
9.Trigonometry 11. Matrices 12. Computing
( Minimum of one question from each Chapter)
Section - II 4x1=4Marks
( Very Short Answer Type )
Answer any four (4) questions (i.e., questions 9to 14 ) from the following six questions.
(One question from each of the six chapters to be given)